Selasa, 07 April 2015

Cara Menghilangkan ASUS Demo

Salam oprek, langsung aja tanpa banyak cincong, tutor ngilangin ASUS DEMO yang seperti noda baju yang membandel, hehehe. Cara ini tested di Zenfone 4 T00i.

Donlot bahannya dulu

Cara meracik :
1. "dalam keadaan di demo ama asus" taruh hasil download tan
tadi ke internal ( jgn di dalam folder apapun alias di luar folder)
& kalo ada file² berformat zip lain di internal, monggo dipindah ke
dlm folder dulu (lebih baik pindahin ke micro sd)

2. backup semua file² penting yg ada di internal ke micro
sd agan , karna kite2 bakal hangusin isi internal nantinya ,

3. buka kalkulator , terus tekan :
ñeñe741603eñeñ Lalu tekan =
(geser keyboard kalkulator kanan/kiri untuk memunculkan tulisan eñeñ )

4. stelah menekan = , bakal ada pop up menu pertanyaan
aktifasi asus demo , pilih yes (dalam keadaan ini, system
bakal meng-update file2 asus demo app , ( dengan mencerna
file dari donlotan tdi )

5. tunggu smpe di notification bertuliskan update finish , &
asus demo bakal nongol lagi & menampilkan fitur2 ciamiknya
( yaelah )

6. deaktifasinya :
Stelah sukses merunning asus demo app, skrg kita deaktifasi
dengan cara :
◎ hidupkan koneksi internet
◎ buka asus demo nya
◎ pas di menu utama demo app, tekan & tahan tombol back
sekitar 10 detik (smpe keluar pop up menu buat masukin
◎ masukin kode berikut : 741603
Lalu pilih confirm/yes
◎ hh akan otomatis mematikan daya & bakal mem-factory reset
untuk menonaktifkan demo
7. taraaa sekarang anda sudah terbebas dari ASUS demo offline

Want to share:
Areph Donal ( facebook user )
LP Mobile Blog

Thank's to : all mimin, all satpol, all member grup Asus Zenfone 4 t00i

Sekian semoga bermanfaat.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Life is Lika a Train Journey

Life is like a journey on a train... with its stations... with changes of routes... and with accidents ! We board this train when we are born and our parents are the ones who get our ticket. We believe they will always travel on this train with us. However, at some station our parents will get off the train, leaving us alone on this journey. As time goes by, other passengers will board the train, many of whom will be significant - our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our life. Many will get off during the journey and leave a permanent vacuum in our lives. Many will go so unnoticed that we won't even know when they vacated their seats and got off the train ! This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, good-byes, and farewells. A good journey is helping, loving, having a good relationship with all co passengers... and making sure that we give our best to make their journey comfortable. The mystery of this fabulous journey is : We do not know at which station we ourselves are going to get off. So, we must live in the best way - adjust, forget, forgive and offer the best of what we have. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to leave our seat... we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life." Thank you for being one of the important passengers on my train...